Thursday 4 October 2012

Creating a New Budget Year in Forecaster

Dynamics GP Land: Breaking It Down- New Budgets in Forecaster: I have to admit, there are a few questions that make me cringe.  They include-- Why does the reports.dic have to be rebuilt so often? Do c...

special thanks to Christina Phillips.

Setting up Forecaster and adding connections on end user machines

I know i have to do this soon, I stumbled across this blogg by Christina Pillips and it will save me the drama next week. See link below.

Dynamics GP Land: Forecaster.ini...or maybe outie?: With a 4 month old in the house, I can't resist a belly button joke :) I wanted to take a moment to share a little shortcut concerning mana...

Tuesday 2 October 2012

VirtualBox – Cannot Register the Hard Drive Because a Hard Drive with UUID Already Exists

Ok so you're trying to create another virtual machine using an existing hard disk file and you get the below error... What do you do? Follow the below guaranteed steps.

Failed to open the hard disk <FilePath>.
Cannot register the hard disk <FilePath><GUID> becuase a hard disk <DifferentFilePath> with UUID <GUID> already exists.
  1. Open the Command Prompt
  2. Change the directory to where VirtualBox is installed (Default: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox) (see below on how to change the command prompt directory to another location)
  3. Type the following VBOXMANAGE.EXE internalcommands sethduuid <PathOfNewVHD>
Note that internalcommands and sethduuid need to be lowercase.
Below is the output of me changing the ID of the VHD located at C:\Users\bschacht\VirtualBox VMs\Windows XP (VPN) Copy.vhd


Type "cd\program files\" etc and then press enter (in the command prompt)
i.e. cd\path and then press enter.

Microsoft Forecaster 7.0 Tip for using Revenue tab

If you are using your Revenue tab in Forecaster as the standard that is setup that is: market, product and rate, there are some things you need to know.

If you want to use a specific set of input lines for the product (for example you want a full listing of your products so users can enter units to be sold for the various periods) then when entering the product setup select a line which would include the relevant details (product listing).

If you want to use the rates feature then you need to leave the lines for the product blank and then enter the rates in the rate tab. When the user is entering the data on the revenue tab they will have to select which rate they want to enter the information against.

Hope I save you some days in trying to figure this out...