Tuesday 2 June 2020

Dynamics GP Error - Cannot drop the index 'taErrorCode.AK2taErrorCode' because it does not exist or you do not have permission

So you are upgrading GP and get the below error.

This is due to a missing index.

Script one out from a working machine and script into your 'troubled' environment. Be sure to also script in the primary key as well in case it is also missing.

Error: the stored procedure smgrantaccessonaccountmstr returned the following results dbms:0 Microsoft Dynamics GP

So you receive the above error on doing an update/upgrade.

You have re-run the grant sql script, change db owner, etc, multiple times.

Even reviewed the stored procedure.

Reason for issue:
-There is a mis-named table. Possibly with a period in the name.

- Just rename the table.
-Continue to utilities.


Thursday 7 May 2020

SSRS - An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) The processing of Parent for tablix 'Tablix1' cannot be performed. Cannot compare data of types System.String and System.DateTime. Please check the data type returned by the Parent. (rsComparisonTypeError)

So you get the above error when generating a report that usually works.

This is because there is a conflict on your tablix group.

For mine the issue was resolved when i removed the Recursive Parent from my group on the Tablix1 tablix.

Error in SSRS
Group Properties on Tablix, Remove the Recursive Parent