Tuesday 2 June 2020

Dynamics GP Error - Cannot drop the index 'taErrorCode.AK2taErrorCode' because it does not exist or you do not have permission

So you are upgrading GP and get the below error.

This is due to a missing index.

Script one out from a working machine and script into your 'troubled' environment. Be sure to also script in the primary key as well in case it is also missing.

Error: the stored procedure smgrantaccessonaccountmstr returned the following results dbms:0 Microsoft Dynamics GP

So you receive the above error on doing an update/upgrade.

You have re-run the grant sql script, change db owner, etc, multiple times.

Even reviewed the stored procedure.

Reason for issue:
-There is a mis-named table. Possibly with a period in the name.

- Just rename the table.
-Continue to utilities.
