Tuesday 15 November 2016

Management Reporter Crash when Importing Reports

You click Building Block Groups and go to import some reports, when you navigate to the file and click import everything freezes.

This is an issue caused by a microsoft update. It was resolved in versions of Management Reporter 2012 CU13 and higher. If you are unable to use a version higher then all you have to do is not place your mouse icon into the area where the reports are on the import window.

Hence, just click import, navigate to the location and click select all and then proceed with the import, do not put your cursor in the top window or anything as this is what causes the application to crash. Seems to be some pop up message issue cause by a microsoft windows update.

Monday 7 November 2016

Smartconnect Map runs in one company but does not run in another company

So you created a map, run it to test on your test company and it works.

Then you run it on the live company and boom, nothing happens. Smartconnect just counts your records and does not import any.

In your mapping you have a GP Rolling column created. You need to delete it and re-create it with your mapping on the live company (this is defined in the companies window in the front). This will make the rolling column look at the correct company.
Re-run integration and it will work now.