Wednesday 20 July 2016

Dynamics GP Workflow Emails not sending anymore

So your workflow emails used to send but suddenly it stopped.

Reason - Windows password saved on the worflow maintenance window is invalid. Now the system will not tell you this.

All you need to do is go to Admin - Setup  - System - Worflow and update the password of the account saved there. Send your test mail and you shall receive it now.


Thursday 14 July 2016

Capture Login Issues

Ok so you run the capture login script and then get the below message.

supplied parameter sid is in use

you then try to remove the sid from the syslogins table but you get some message related to 'adhoc' something is not allowed.

then you try to create the record manually and get 'the server principal already exists'

How to fix run the below and replace name with the name of the record you have the issue with. You should be fine now.

EXEC sp_droplogin 'namehere'